/events /intelektualci

Una Blagojević: Intellectuals in Yugoslav Socialism - Critique and Philosophy

What was the position and social role of intellectuals in socialism, particularly in socialist Yugoslavia? How was the intelligentsia defined, and was it considered a distinct social class? What responsibilities did the intelligentsia have in shaping the cultural landscape of Yugoslavia? How should intellectuals approach political engagement, and what were their moral and social duties? These were some of the dilemmas that preoccupied intellectuals in Yugoslavia across various stages of Yugoslav socialism. This discussion will delve into some of these debates, specifically concentrating on the intellectuals around the international philosophical journal Praxis, by focusing on their views on the role of philosophy (and philosophers), critique, and intellectuals in building Yugoslav socialism.

The lecture will take place at 19.00 at Participativna ljubljanska avtonomna cona (PLAC). The footage of the lecture will be published later on the ILS YouTube channel. The event is organized in cooperation with Transform Europe.