Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard: Party Politics and Governance in China
Governance in China is increasingly directly led by the CCP, which is actively integrating itself even more into the state, the business sector and social organizations. Under Xi Jinping, the CCP treats China increasingly as one collective body, planning, directing and coordinating the actions of its parts and with general secretary Xi Jinping as the core. During Xi’s tenure, more than 70 per cent of all Party rules have been revised or reformulated, including important regulations governing the work of Party groups and cadre management, which is at the heart of the Chinese Party-led governance system. What are the characteristics of the new Party-led governance system and how does it differ from the system put in place by Deng Xiaoping in the early 1980s? Are we seeing a weakening or a strengthening of traditional instruments of governing and control such as the bianzhi and nomenklatura system, cadre rotation, overlapping positions and Party branches and groups in stat, business, and social organizations? How powerful is Xi Jinping and who will join him in the new leadership constellation to be elected at the 20th Party Congress?
Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard 柏思德, PhD, is Professor at the Department of International Economics, Government and Business and former Director of the Asia Research Centre (2003-2016) at the Copenhagen Business School. His most recent books include The Communist Party Since 1949: Organization, Ideology and Prospect for Change (with Chen Gang) (Brill, 2019); Critical Readings on the Chinese Communist Party, 4 vols. (Brill, 2017); and Chinese Politics as Fragmented Authoritarianism: Earthquakes, Energy and Environment (Routledge, 2016). His articles have appeared in such leading scholarly journals as The China Quarterly, Asian Survey, Modern China, Governance and Public Policy in China, and China: An International Journal.
Professor Brødsgaard has held visiting research appointments in China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and the USA. He is, among others, Honorary Research Fellow, Peking University; Non-resident Senior Research Fellow, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies; and a trustee of Cambridge China Development Trust. He is also on the faculty of the Sino-Danish University for Research and Education. He is member of a number of international editorial boards and the founding editor of The Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies. His current research covers state-Party-business relations in China; the nomenklatura system and cadre management; and reform of Chinese state-owned enterprises.
The lecture will take place online on April 28 at 16:00 GMT+2. It will be broadcast on ILS's YouTube channel.
Kitajska komunistična partija (krajše KKP) je vedno bolj vključena v upravljanje državnega poslovnega sektorja in družbenih organizacij. Pod trenutnim vodstvom Komunistična partija državo zmerom bolj obravnava kot eno samo kolektivno telo, čigar jedro je sam Ši Džinping. V odbodju Šijevega mandata je KKP revidiral ali reformuliral več kot 70 odstotkov celotne partijske oblasti, vključno s pomembnimi regulacijami, ki uravnavajo delo partijskih skupin in kadrovskega menedžmenta ter ležijo v samem jedru kitajskega partijsko vodenega sistema upravljanja. Kakšne so te značilnosti novega partijsko vodenega sistema upravljanja in kako se ta razlikuje od načina, ki ga je uveljavil Deng Šjaoping v zgodnjih 80ih letih? Smo priča slabljenju ali utrjevanju tradicionalnih vzvodov vladanja in nadzora (sistem bianzhi in sistem nomenklatura), kadrovske rotacije, prekrivanja položajev, partijskih vej in skupin v statističnih, poslovnih in socialnih organizacijah? Kako močan je Ši Džinping in kdo se mu bo pridružil v novi vodstveni konstelaciji, ki bo izvoljena na dvajsetem partijskem kongresu?
Dr. Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard 柏思德 je profesor na Oddelku za mednarodno ekomonijo (katedra za preučevanje vladnosti in gospodarstva) in bivši direktor Centra za azijske študije na Kopenhangenski poslovni šoli. Njegove najnovejše knjige vključujejo The Communist Party Since 1949: Organization, Ideology and Prospect for Change; Critical Readings on the Chinese Communist Party v štirih zvezkih in Chinese Politics as Fragmented Authoritarianism: Earthquakes, Energy and Environment. Njegovi članki so bili objavljeni v glavnih akademskih glasilih kot so The China Quarterly, Asian Survey, Modern China, Governance and Public Policy in China, ter China: An International Journal. Trenutno se ukvarja z odnosi med državo, partijo in poslovnim sektorjem na Kitajskem, sistema nomenklatura in kadrovskega menedžmenta ter reform kitajskih državnih podjetij.
Predavanje bo potekalo preko spleta. V živo se nam lahko pridružite v četrtek ob 16:00 uri na našem YouTube kanalu.